A breathtaking impact
In: http://www.tanznetz.de, 18.06.2011
Hartmut Regitz

(…) The piece starts off a bit borderline, as Christina Ciupke takes distance from Nik Haffner, only to then approach him again: hesitant at first, then visibly faster and finally accelerating into an extension which impacts her body into his, breathtaking to witness. Then within the following repetitions of this seemingly same action, it changes subtly – and Christina Ciupke pushes her partner every time a bit further. He however won’t just give up his passivity and does seemingly nothing to shake Christina Ciupke off, as she clinches onto him like a barnacle.
(…) But the impression deceives and in the continuation a request could indeed be proposed: “can you turn me around”? If it wasn’t, however, for this staggering silence, which forbids any loud word – any question, any demand. Nik Haffner does not remain untouched by the nonverbal appeal of his partner and within the second half of the performance the movement direction of the piece keeps changing. One thing remains the same: every motion is focused inwards and nothing can distract from the transformation process of motions being turned to emotions.
(…) In order to move naturally together as two, one’s body needs to be permeable to the organic. Christina Ciupke succeeds this repeatedly in a sublime, erotic way. This is one of many reasons why one keeps watching with growing attention. When the power relationship shifts again both dancers remain with what they began – a partnership, from which a lot can still be expected.