Compilation of favourite tracks to dance with
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic 

09. September 2023, Tanznacht, Tanzfabrik Berlin (DE)
14. - 17. November 2024, Tanznacht Forum EXPANDED, Tanzfabrik Berlin (DE)

Take me somewhere nice - Party without end, without meaning and without purpose
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic 

22.-25. Februar 2024, Premiere and Performances

Tanzfabrik Berlin

Failure as Practice I-III
by Darko Dragicevic & collaborators

10. March 2023, Workshop and Interventions
8. Internationales Bonner Tanzsolofestival

Take me somewhere nice
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic

13. - 16. October 2022, Performative Situation/Spatial Compositions, Tanzfabrik Berlin
14. Oktober - Artists Talk with Christina Ciupke & Darko Dragicevic after the performance

Take me somewhere nice, Almanac II: Berlin Pilgrimage
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic

Webseite: Take me somewhere nice
20. - 26. June 2022, 11.00 - 20.00
Schönwalde - Schönfliess

Take me somewhere nice, Almanac I: Traveling without traveling
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic

Webseite: Take me somewhere nice
02. May 2022 Insular Walking mit Eirik Sördal
04. May 2022 We are going to Mostar mit Ayse Orhon
08. May 2022 A walk through a phantom city with Ayara Hernández Holz
09. June 2022 Views of the New Zealand landscape mit Lisa Densem

by Christina Ciupke and Boris Hauf with Darko Dragicevic

24. - 27. February 2022, Performance, Tanzfabrik Berlin
27. February - Artists Talk with Christina Ciupke & Boris Hauf after the performance

Silent Trio, Epilogue
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic

03. - 06. November 2021, Performance, Tanzfabrik Berlin

Silent Trio Chapter #3: Audiowalk
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic

2. and 3. October 2021, Tanzfabrik Berlin

Silent Trio Chapter #6: in situ
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic

26. June until 11. July Residency, Workshop and Presentation: Displaced bodies, displaced objects, LOKOMOTIVA, Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture, Skopje
19. April until 25. June 2021 Guerilla Actions in public places
10. until 30. May 2021 StationOne Residency, Stanica/Station – Service for Contemporary Dance Belgrade

© Darko Dragicevic

Where is that music coming from? - Interventions
Performance - Concept and Choreography: Christina Ciupke and Boris Hauf
Film - Conzept and Direction: Darko Dragicevic


Failure as Practice
Online Workshop and Interventions with Darko Dragicevic

Dezember 2020
“Art, Politics, Institution, Body”, Lokomotiva Skopje
supported by Goethe Institut Belgrad

Collaborations and Artistic Practice

31. October and 1. November 2020
Tanzwerk Kassel

Silent Trio (2020)
by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragicevic
13. February 2020, Chapter#1: Gallery of Growth and Decay, Installation, AULA im Milchhof
10. Oktober 2020, Chapter#2 with Alan Cunningham, Videoinstallation, 10jähriges Jubiläum Uferstudios Berlin
11. und 12. September 2020, Chapter#3: Spomenik, Audiowalk, Tanznacht Berlin
23. - 25. Oktober 2020, Chapter#4: Unfinished Archives, Performance, Tanzfabrik Berlin
23. und 24. November 2020, Chapter#5: Digital Postcards, Video- und Sprachchoreografie, Montag Modus

Film Report in über_GANG

12. September 2020
Im Rahmen der Tanznacht Berlin

Flutgraben Performances, Season 2/ Editionen #1 - #4
mit Asaf Aharonson, Jefta van Dinther, Stella Geppert, Jared Gradinger,
Milla Koistinen, Sergiu Matis, Ixchel Mendoza Hernandez

Mai - November 2020
Flutgraben Performances

undo, redo and repeat
Online Lecture with Anna Till

29. Mai 2020
USC Glorya Kaufman School for Dance, Los Angeles

life and death of a melody
by Christina Ciupke and Boris Hauf

22. January 2020, 20 Uhr
In context of Performing New Europe PNEU 2020, Szene Salzburg

Lie and Theft as Practice
Workshop with Darko Dragicevic

29. November – 1. December 2019
Goethe Institut Belgrad

Blind Date
by Ayse Orhon, Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Igor Dobricic, Jasna L. Vinovrski, Litó Walkey

Premiere: 1. November 2019, 20:30
Further performances 2. - 3. November 2019, each 20:30
In context of Open Spaces, Tanzfabrik Berlin

Only a part, not the whole
by Ayse Orhon, Christina Ciupke, Clément Layes, Igor Dobricic, Jasna L. Vinovrski, Litó Walkey

First Sharing: 7. October 2019
In context of Montag Modus Klimata: We Solemnly Swear, Flutgraben Berlin

Was der Körper erinnert. Zur Aktualität des Tanzerbes - This is how we do
Vivid Archive with Christina Ciupke, Martin Nachbar, Jochen Roller, Stephanie Thiersch

6. September 2019
Akademie der Künste Berlin

Intervention #4, Failure as Practice
by Darko Dragicevic with Christina Ciupke and Shannon Conney

20. Juli 2019
In context ofSommertanz Tanzfabrik Berlin


life and death of a melody
by Christina Ciupke and Boris Hauf

open general rehearsal: 21. February 2019
further performances
22.-24. February, each 20:30

In context of Open Spaces #1, Tanzfabrik Berlin


Working Utopias
Ein Sympósion
by Christina Ciupke, Anke Strauß and Guests

26. October 2018, 11.00 - 18.00
27. October 2018, 15.00 - 18.00

Im Rahmen von Open Spaces #3, Tanzfabrik Berlin
The project Working Utopias is financed by Volkswagen Stiftung


by Christina Ciupke, Anke Strauß, Igor Dobricic, Ditteke Waidelich

Premiere 25. October 2018, 20.30
further performance: 27. October 2018, 19.00

In context of Open Spaces #3, Tanzfabrik Berlin


At Close Distance
by Christina Ciupke and Ayse Orhon

1. and 2. June 2018
Circe- Experimental Platform for Dance and Theatre, Movement Theater, Tiflis, Georgien

Gastspielförderung Tanz International aus Mitteln des Beauftragten
der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien aufgrund eines
Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestags

Now and Then
by Christina Ciupke and Jasna L. Vinovrski

Premiere: 17. February 2018, 19.00
further performances: 18. - 20. February 2018, 19.00

In context of Open Spaces #1, Tanzfabrik Berlin


At Close Distance
by Christina Ciupke and Ayse Orhon

16. and 17. January 2018
ARGE kultur in context of Performing New Europe PNEU 2018, Szene Salzburg


to dance
by Christina Ciupke and Igor Dobricic

4. - 7. October 2017, 14.00 - 17.00
POLIN Museum im Rahmen von Performing Europe 2020, Warschau

At Close Distance
by Christina Ciupke and Ayse Orhon

Premiere 13. July 2017, 19.00
further performances: 14. until 16. July, 19.00

Open Spaces #2, Tanzfabrik Berlin

undo, redo and repeat
Christina Ciupke and Anna Till

6. June 2017, 20.00 and 7. June, 11.00
29th International Festival of Contemporary Dance and Movement Theatre
TANEC Praha 2017

Vor Ort
by Reinhild Hoffmann (1997), restaged for two dancers (2014)
with Christina Ciupke and Mimi Jeong

20. February 2017, 21:00
Double Bill with Susanne Linke and Koffi Koko, Mistral
in context of Equilibrio Festival, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rom

Assembling the Object of Discomfort
by Christina Ciupke, Igor Dobricic and Boris Hauf

Premiere 5. November 2016, 19.00
further performances: 6. and 7. November, 19.00
public general rehearsal: 4. November, 19.00

Open Spaces #3, Tanzfabrik Berlin

undo redo and repeat von christina ciupke

undo, redo and repeat.
Christina Ciupke and Anna Till

14. -15. October 2016, Performances and Exhibition
Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden

kannst du mich umdrehen
Christina Ciupke and Felix Marchand

Workshop and Performances
15. and 16. August 2016
Untimely Festival, Teheran

Gastspielförderung Tanz International aus Mitteln des Beauftragten
der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien aufgrund eines
Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestags

undo redo and repeat von christina ciupke

undo, redo and repeat.
Christina Ciupke and Anna Till

1. Juni 2016, Tanzgeschichte(n) in Begwegung.
An Artist Talk with Christina Ciupke, Anna Till, Paula Pi and Irina Pauls.
moderated by Dr. Janine Schulze-Fellmann

3. - 4. June 2016, Performances and Exhibition
Schaubühne Lindenfels, Leipzig

new work
Christina Ciupke, Nik Haffner, Mart Kangro

6. - 8. May 2016
Kanuti Gildi SAAL,Tallinn

Gastspielförderung Tanz International aus Mitteln des Beauftragten
der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien aufgrund eines
Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestags


life and death of a melody
by Christina Ciupke and Boris Hauf

Premiere: 31. March 2016 19:00
further performances
1. 2. 3. April, each 19:00

Uferstudios Berlin

undo redo and repeat von christina ciupke

undo, redo and repeat.
Christina Ciupke and Anna Till

6. - 7. December 2015, Performances and Lecture
Danza, Memoria &Archivo, Nave, Santiago de Chile
Goethe Institut Chile

new work von christina ciupke

new work
Christina Ciupke, Nik Haffner, Mart Kangro

6. November 2015 19:00
further performances
8. - 10. November 19:00
in context of Open Spaces #3

Tanzfabrik Wedding
Studio 4


to dance von christina ciupke

to dance
a collaboration by Christina Ciupke and Igor Dobricic

10.07.2015, 20:00
in context of Open Spaces #2

Tanzfabrik Berlin
Studio 4

to dance von christina ciupke

to dance
a collaboration by Christina Ciupke and Igor Dobricic

18.02.2015, 19:00

Aula Milchhof
in cooperation with
Tanzfabrik Berlin

Jahrbuch Tanz 2014

Christina Ciupke has been nominated "Hoffnungsträgerin"
together with 33 other artists
in Jahrbuch Tanz 2014.

Jahrbuch Tanz 2014

kannst du mich umdrehen
Christina Ciupke and Felix Marchand

18. October 2014
Danzalborde International Festival, Valparaiso, Chile

Gastspielförderung Tanz International aus Mitteln des Beauftragten
der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien aufgrund eines
Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestags

undo redo and repeat von christina ciupke

undo, redo and repeat
ein Tanzfonds Erbe Projekt
a collaboration by Christina Ciupke and Anna Till

Performance 15. - 18.04.2015
Sophiensaele, Berlin

13.12.2014, 20.30 Uhr
Hativa Theater, Tel Aviv
20.12.2014, 8.30 pm,
Gerard Bechar Center, Jerusalem

02.-04. May 2014 Sophiensaele Berlin (Premiere)
Installation 16. May – 03. August Heidelberger Kunstverein

Gefördert von Tanzfonds Erbe - eine Initiative der Kulturstiftung des Bundes

what moves moves von christina ciupke

what moves moves
a collaboration by Christina Ciupke and Boris Hauf

07. - 09.09.2014, 20:30
Heizhaus, Uferstudios Berlin
in context of Open Spaces#2
Tanzfabrik Berlin

wait and see von christina ciupke

wait and see
by Christina Ciupke, Nik Haffner, Mart Kangro

30.08.2013, 18:00 and 21:00, 31.08.2013, 14:00 and 17:00
AUSUFERN, Uferstudios, Berlin Tanzfabrik Berlin

20.06.2013, 20 Uhr und 22 Uhr
Notafe 2013, Viljandi, Estland/ Notafe

26.05.2013, 17 Uhr
Hetveem, Amsterdam Hetveemtheater

9.05.2013 16 Uhr und 20 Uhr
Passagen Recherchen, Nationaltheater Weimar, E-Werk

03.05. -05.05 2013, 19.30 Uhr
Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Tallinn Kanuti Gildi SAAL

invitation to dance von christina ciupke

invitation to dance
with Igor Dobricic and Christina Ciupke

27. / 28. and 30. June 2013, 20:30
Tanzfabrik Berlin/ Wedding

a lot of body, a lot of work
21. - 26. October, 2011
Eine Retrospektive früherer Arbeiten
Uferstudios Berlin

kannst du mich umdrehen von christina ciupke

kannst du mich umdrehen
a project with Nik Haffner

Premiere 9. -12. June 2011
Uferstudios, Berlin

palm trees of hackney von christina ciupke
palm trees of hackney von christina ciupke

palm trees of hackney
(Kreuzberg conversations), 11 mins, 2011

Christina Ciupke and Lucy Cash
March 2011 / London–Berlin:
>>> palm trees of hackney

an exchange of place
two (new) view points
an exchange of ideas

in context of”still moving”
Siobhan Davies Studios, Southwark

18. March – 9. April 2011

subtitles von christina ciupke

Helena Blaker writes about
”subtitles ” Festival ”what if....” 2010
published in dance theater journal,
Volume 24, no 1, 2011

>>> subtitles.pdf

rissumriss von christina ciupke

4. – 6. Februar 2011
screening of subtitles (film)
Festival Escena Contemporanea / Madrid

the village von christina ciupke

the village/Tanznacht Berlin
with Lito Walkey and Lina Lindheimer

1. November - 7. December 2010
Uferstudios Berlin

yes. no. a bit. not. really. von christina ciupke

yes. no. a bit. not really

in collaboration with Lucy Cash and Boris Hauf
14. – 17. October 2010

yes. no. a bit. not. really. von christina ciupke

Residenz: yes. no. a bit. not really

Pact Zollverein Essen

from the other side von christina ciupke

from the other side

15. – 16. September 2010
Beijing Fringe Festival