© Tobias Lehmann

© Christina Ciupke

© Darko Dragičević

Take me somewhere nice - Party without end, without meaning and without purpose

by Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragičević

Concept, Performance: Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragičević 
Sound Design, Performance: Vera Pulido
Light Design: Martin Beeretz
Video: Darko Dragičević 
Costume Design: Karin Rosemann
External Collaborator, Performance (Video): Silja Korn
Web Development: Daniel Massey
Graphic Design: Dragana Krtinić
Creative Production: Selina Glockner
Production Assistant: Clara Dünnebeil

Take me somewhere nice is a production of A lot of body GbR in co-production with Tanzfabrik Berlin. Funded by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.